this week has been hell for us (tesl 3rd year clan).
if a football player scored 3 consecutive goals, it would be called Hat-trick. what about us who have to submit 4 assignments (more than three) consecutively?? we should call it "HAT-TRICK plus one". haha.. from monday until thursday this week, we have to finish and submit FOUR heavy assignments and all are killing me..
the best part is, everybody seems to struggle on them until the very last minute. huhu.. we are so darn busy at the moment.
it's hard on us.. we know that the semester is going to an end and that explains why all the tedious jobs of completing written assignments are to be due this week. but there are still one or two to go.. *sigh* my right shoulder is badly hurt and if i can hire a chiropractor to massage my shoulder, i would do that so that the pain of this stressed out and overused shoulder can be eased.. not forgetting to mention that i have not been sleeping normally these several weeks.. no quality sleep for me. huhu.. averagely, i only manage to sleep for about 3 hours per day since three weeks ago.
oh my.. it's killing me..
Mon livret de gommettes Raiponce
5 years ago
sabar2...nak taw mniggu lepas ,jaa kena antar 6 kerja ari isnin selepas gi program perak tu hujung minggu what do you think?lagilah....
yelaa.. sume org byk keje..
saje nk meluahkan perasaan.. huhu..
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